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Mount Auburn Apartments - senior outreach


Pre-covid, on the third Saturday of each month we were getting together at the Mount Auburn Apartment center in Butler, Kentucky where we played games, had refreshments, sang hymns, shared a devotional, and had prayer. Every once in a while we also had a Christian movie night.  The Lord helped us in many ways with this ministry and we enjoyed the opportunity to be with the folks from Mount Auburn.

You can watch this video from our ginger bread house activity on January 21, 2017.





Door-to-Door Calling


A fellow at a home which we visited exclaimed, "I didn't think pastors still went door-to-door." To which pastor Jonathan replied, "I've heard that, but I don't want to be one of them."


We are trying to go calling to people's homes.  We want to meet you.  We want to get to know you.  We want to know your needs and concerns.  We want to pray with you.  But most of all, we want you to understand that you have to get ready for heaven if you are going to go there.  Heaven is a prepared place for a people who are actually preparing to go there.  We must prepare.  And it is Jesus who said that HE is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life:  No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)




Saving Starfish


Pastor Jonathan and Brenda work with God to get drug addicts and alcoholics off local streets, roads, woods, and dales and get them into a rehab facility.  It is important for them to hear the good news of the transforming power of Jesus Christ!


We also send postcards to the Mason County Detention Center introducing the men and women to both us and the Savior, encouraging them to think about their lives and the direction in which they are headed.  Inmates are free to call and talk as well as ask for prayer.


"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - Jesus Christ, John 8:36 (NIV)


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